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Marshmallows and Forest Mischief
This is a fantastic event which the children love. It has all the good stuff – forest, fire, marshmallows and mischief! Come and join us at our next forest adventure.
Stories from a previous forest fun day:
During February half term, we buddied up with the brilliant Joytastic for a day of crafting and outdoors adventures.
The kids started by making a gratitude mobile with Jen from Joytastic. We then ventured outdoors into the beautiful woods of East Harptree, Somerset. First the children headed off on a scavenger hunt to see what they could find using their senses. Their answers were amazing as they really focused in on the sights, noises and smells of nature around them. Once all the hard searching work was done, we lit a campfire and toasted marshmallows. The kids then let off some energy with a good run around!