Outdoor Family Mini-Adventures
Whether it's for the holiday, weekend or after-school, we've created a series of family mini-adventures. Find outdoor activities that are easy to plan and fun for both kids AND adults. Take a look, grab your wellies and get outdoors!
'Quick & Local, Easy & Fun'

Outdoor Activities for the kids
Mini adventures tend to be short, local, and easy to organise to fit in with a busy day. It may be a mini-beast quest fuelled with hot chocolate; watching the sunrise before work/school; cooking dinner outdoors; or going on an owl hunt...
When you get home your cheeks may be rosy and your clothes may be soaked, but you will have laughed so much your face hurts!
Mini-Adventure Guides
Head over to our shop to find adventurous gifts for adventurous kids....
What will your mini adventure be?
Campfire Bannocks
Back to basics: an easy, fun introduction to campfire cooking!
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Welly Wanging
Get ready for some welly-wanging fun and let your wellies fly...!
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Blowing Giant Bubbles
We’re forever blowing bubbles.... Make your own giant bubbles
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Nettle Bracelets
Turn a nettle into a wild friendship bracelet
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Floor is Lava!
Don't burn your feet! Play this high energy game whilst you're out and about
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Enjoy the sunset
Make a plan to watch the sunset - check the times, find a place, pack some hot chocolate!
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Build a rope swing
Easy, quick, and lots of fun!
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Track A Tawny Owl
Venture into the darkness to hear the mystical call of the Tawny Owl
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Snail Racing
A nail-biting activity for a rainy day
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Carving Stick Elves
Elf Carving: perfect for beginner wood whittlers
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Set an Ambush
Get ready to be ambushed! Let the kids plan and create the ultimate ambush to scare the grown ups
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Adventure Up-Stream
Plan your own expedition and adventure up-stream... who knows what you'll find
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Night time pond dipping
Head out after dark on a pond dipping adventure. What will you see?
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Badger Detectives
Poos? Tracks? Scratches? Use your detective skills to track a badger
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Blackberry Tie-Dye
Rather than eating them all, why not save a few and have a go at blackberry tie-dye?
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Flip a coin adventure
Flip a coin to plan the ultimate adventure
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Build a Dam
Can you beat the water? Set out on a challenge to build the ultimate dam.
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Cook in the Wild
Turn cooking dinner into an outdoor adventure
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Race by Land, Sea & Sky
Combine outdoor home learning with adventure and get ready to race by boat, plane, and car.
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Build a cairn
Head to a local hilltop to build your own cairns... parents get ready to get competitive!
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Mini Navigators
Let the kids lead the way! Get a map, plot a route, and away they go...
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Garden Camping
Pitch the tent, light the fire and spend the evening watching stars and toasting marshmallows
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Become a Wildlife Detective
Hunt high and low, under rocks and in the sky... which wildlife lives near you?
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Dawn Chorus/Sunrise walk
The early bird catches the worm.... rise with the birds and enjoy the warmth of the sunrise
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